
Looking for new employees?

People Plus are well aware of the time and effort required to look for that perfect new employee. Being Gisborne locals along with having a well rounded understanding of business around the country, we have a competitive edge of offering recruitment as we keep up to date with what's going on in the labour market. Whether you are looking for recruitment in Gisborne or nationwide, we are the team to help your organisation. 

To ease your stress and workload, we offer the following fixed-price recruitment packages.

Recruitment in Gisborne and NZ Wide

Recruitment Package 1

1 Month Recruitment Campaign - $950 + GST 

  • Developing an appealing job advertisement

  • Advertisement on Seek

  • Posting on the People Plus website and Facebook page (Paid Facebook boost)

  • Ensuring a high level of candidate care and correspondence

  • Shortlisting and phone screening with suitable candidates

  • Presentation of a suitable candidate shortlist

Recruitment Package 2

1 Month Recruitment Campaign - enquire for price

Includes Package 1 plus:

  • Talent Search Strategy

  • My Job Space Advertising

  • Targeted SEEK talent search.

  • LinkedIn head hunting (if possible)

  • Interview scheduling/coordinating

  • Support with Interview questions

  • Reference Checking

Package Add-on's

Add-on's to recruitment packages are charged at an hourly rate or fixed/ quoted rate and can include the following (if not already included in the package you choose):

  • Designing a current job description

  • Interview scheduling/ coordinating

  • Interview involvement

  • Behavioural Assessment Profile 

  • Interview guides/ questions

  • Reference check guides/ questions

  • Advertising on industry, LinkedIn, newspaper or radio platforms

  • Reference checking

  • Police, credit, or psychometric tests

  • Relocation assistance and support

  • Support through contract negotiations, pay and benefits

  • Analysing current market

  • Personalised employment agreement

Keen to chat more?

Get in contact with People Plus if you would like to talk about recruitment! We offer our services around New Zealand. So whether you are wanting recruitment in Gisborne or NZ wide, we would love to hear from you! Contact or 06 868 3544 

People Plus are upfront and honest and we do not promise that we will be successful in finding you a new employee. Though if the advertising is unsuccessful we will always provide you with additional options that could be useful to your business.